Monday, August 18, 2008


Hey, Jason here. I love the Name Game. It’s always capable of getting a “Huh, “ out of people. But I noticed a few “ask Jason” in Jay’s tour de force of blogging, so I thought I’d answer a few and add to my own.

JOEL WHITE and AIDEN: Sadly, not as interesting as one would hope. Joel and Aiden come from the TLC show “Jon and Kate Plus 8”. It’s the name of two of the three boy sextuplets. There is a third, Colin that I was going to try and work in so that all the Gosslin boys were represented, but alas, we didn’t need another name.

PRUDENCE NOELLE: The “Noelle” in her name, I stole from real life. My mother’s maiden name is Noell. And when my sister was born, she named her “Noel” (never asked why she dropped the extra “L”.) Oddly enough we spelled it in the show, the same way Noelle Schmitt spells her name, but the dye was cast on Prudence’s last name long before Noelle was. (bit of slightly related trivia, I misspelled Noelle's last name originally on the Reunion poster)

FOO-FOO: Here is where things really get embarrassing. All the porn names aside from 18th Street, come from my childhood. Nipsey and Vera were family dogs. Daisy was a family cat. And Foo-Foo was unfortunately a pet rabbit. Little life lesson here, if you are on the fence about whether or not to buy a rabbit, NEVER ask the advice of a four year old child. Their answer will always be “Yes”. And I lived on Hermitage Drive, and Memphis Circle in Pensacola Florida, and on Burgess House Lane in Richmond Virginia. I guess I am the original “Daisy Memphis”.

Lastly but one more name. “DR. RINALDI” is mentioned. He was a teacher of mine in college, Dr. Nicholas Rinaldi. He didn’t teach philosophy or inspire anyone to live together and not get married. He did however teach Stage Management and Theater Analysis at UCF. Before that, Dr. Nick worked almost exclusively in the 1970’s as a Stage Manager for Hal Prince. He was the stage manager for the original Broadway run of “Cabaret”, “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman”, and had many a story of working on shows with Tommy Tune and Christopher Walker when they were merely Broadway Dancers.

I got not idea where “Rainey’s” came from. Perhaps Gerald McRainey TV’s “Major Dad”?

More to come

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Meet The Girls...

With REUNION about to open in less than a month, we are beginning to ramp up our press for the show. As sort of an opening bit, I thought it'd be cool to show you guys some shots of our cast.

And here we go...

Kate Cohen is "Pam"

Noelle Schmitt is "Gibbs"

Kate Lambert is "Karen"

Marla Depew is "Lexy"

and Monique Jazmine Thomas as "Prudence"

Stay Tuned for more....